Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that involves placing thin dry needles into the body. This is done at specific points on the body that follow the nervous system. Acupuncture works by the needle
stimulating sensory nerves in the skin and muscle. Once stimulated, this transmits information throughout the entire nervous system and body. This information can help treat pain and other chronic
Acupuncture is a natural form of therapy and has a low risk of side effects. It can and should be used in conjunction with conventional veterinary medicine to optimize your animal’s health. Acupuncture is
primarily used to treat pain in the body and internal diseases.
Pets that may benefit from acupuncture: Pets with arthritis, chronic pain, metabolic diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, IVDD, cancer, trauma, recovering from surgery and many more!
Download this informative PDF to achieve a better post-operative outcome for your pet
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